Fan mail 12

Nice emails from nice people


March 16, 2025

Hey Zack. I watch all your videos, and I was wondering if you're going to any Rockies games in July. I've always wanted to meet you so I was just wondering. Thanks for reading this!


March 14, 2025

Hi Zack,

I hope you are doing well!

I wanted to say I watched your VLOG with your MOM and it was spectacular!

I cannot wait to watch your baseball videos in the upcoming weeks.

Would you mind informing me when you plan on coming to PNC Park?



March 5, 2025

Hey Zack,
I’m a huge fan of the channel. I’m local to nyc and I’m wondering if you were looking for a videographer. Doesn’t have to be full time. I could be a substitute videographer if you need one during the year. I have my own equipment (4 cameras including a go pro, and 3 canon cameras.) 15 years experience. I’m a frequent viewer of the channel. I have been for over 4 years so I truly wouldn’t need training. I’ve also been a baseball fan my entire life. I’m in excellent physical shape as well so chasing the needed shots won’t be an issue. If you need a reel just let me know. I’m more than happy to send something. Thanks man!
P.S: don’t let these haters get you down! They’re secretly all fans of yours and super jealous of your success ;)

February 28, 2025

Hey there it’s Avi thank you so much for responding it’s really nice cuz your so famous and you have time for 11 year olds like me I hope to meet you by a game Avi         Ps. Have a great season snagging

February 16, 2025

I'm your fan in Japan.
Do you have any plan to come to MLB Tokyo Series?
I would like to see you

February 9, 2025

Hi Zack,

Hope all is well. My name is John and my son, Ben, and I are big fans of yours. We are brand new season ticket holders of four seats for the Athletics in Sacramento and want to invite you and your videographer to join us at a game.

I 100% understand you are not doing "Watch with Zack". Ben was watching your videos today and said we should share our tickets so you can add a new ballpark to your list and hopefully more balls to your total.

So if you are ever up for it, happy to share our tickets with you, on us.

Thanks for the consideration and hopefully we see you at a game soon.


Added a pic of my son Ben snagging a toss up from the Las Vegas Aviators bullpen at a Sacramento River Cats game in 2021. 

January 21, 2025
Subject: thank you

Dear Zack,

I just ordered two T-Shirts to be shipped to the Netherlands. I’ll be wearing both in the summer as I have booked an extended baseball holiday in the USA.

So why thank you? Because you only charged $ 10 shipping! That is spectacularly low in the modern scheme of things.


January 10, 2025

Hey Zack,

I hope you are doing well and I wanted to wish you a wonderful 2025 ahead.

I wanted to inform you that I have been watching your VLOG videos as I just wrapped up the one when you were in Asia last year. Btw, your Asia video was cool and your experience looked EPIC!!

Before Christmas, I watched the Grenada one and I loved it so much because your mom is just like my grandmother who is social and worth trying new things! Please pass this on to your mom.

I definitely recommend you do more VLOGS with your friends and of course your MOM!

Finally, I got an autographed baseball from Sean Casey aka the Mayor over the summer!

Hope you're doing well and I cannot wait to see where you kick off 2025 for MLB games.


December 26, 2024


Happy New Year. It has been a pleasure watching your videos and reading your books over the years.  I got a signed Hample card as a gift to go with the Hample bobblehead, Hample ball, and Hample (target) shirt l I received as gifts previously.  They are on display next to my baseballs (mostly MiLB though). Well, not the shirt.  I wore that to some games.

Thank you for introducing us to PIFBS.  I am a proud ambassador.

All the best in 2025!

Parma, OH

December 20, 2024

Hey Zack, 
I was in the city on Election Day and while walking, we saw the book store that your family owns and asked your mom if she can ask you to send an autograph picture of yourself to me. She said yes and I gave her my name and she made a note to you to send me an autograph. I forgot to give her my address. Do you have any pictures of yourself snagging a baseball and if you do can you send it to me autographed and if you can, can you personalize it? My name is Mark and I am a big fan of you! I am so lucky to have found you on YouTube. You are the greatest YouTuber ever! 

Sincerely your biggest fan, 
Mark Johnson
My address is 

December 12, 2024

Dear Zack

I’m Callum a 14 year old fan from Sydney Australia. I am a Chicago White Sox Fan and would love to attend a live game in the near future. I love watching your videos and admire your collection and patios for the game of baseball. I love seeing your collection grow and love seeing photos of your enormous collection. Keep up the good work.

Kind regards,


December 9, 2024

Hey Zack hope you are doing well!! I have a question. Will you be going to the Mets - Cardinals game on April 18th at Citi field. I know it not even 2025 yet but maybe you can go!! If you can't is there any other way I can meet you or get your autograph! Sorry if I'm asking a lot because I am.. For my Birthday my parents surprised me to a trip to NY so I'm just really excited! Anyway I hope you are doing fantastic. Enjoy your winter! Also stay warm.


October 26, 2024

Hi zack. im lee from brisbane queensland australia I love your channel and I love watching what you do.some are hilarious. I love watching little league baseball world series  every year.our Australian team come over and compete. You are a cool dude zack.please feel free to email me any questions about australia anytime ok.cheers 

October 26, 2024

Howdy Mr. Zack,

I am Angad, 15 year old situated in Dubai,

I love your YouTube videos and enjoy watching the unique ways you find baseballs and just the sheer amount you have.

I would love to go to a baseball game at Fenway Park and catch or get a used baseball but it's not really possible because that is a 17 hour flight away.

I was wondering if you could send me one baseball, from any stadium, any game?

I would love to have a souvenir as unique as that if possible.

Feel free to decline!

P.S. I am a huge Cardinals fan :), keep up the amazing videos next season! Maybe even go to Saint Louis?


October 4, 2024

Hi Zack I'm a Brazilian fan, I was really impressed by your story, it's really cool to see your videos, thank you for sharing the cool stories. Dario.

October 3, 2024

Hi Zack,
I have enjoyed watching you have so much fun for yet another season! Congrats on catching on 100 home runs! I knew you would get there because you definitely will do something if you put your mind to it. Maybe you can get more in the postseason? I’ll be watching to more of your amazing and happy videos that make so many people happy.
Keep it up! Stay strong and don’t give up

September 13, 2024

Dear Zack,
Hi, I emailed you a few weeks ago thanking you for taking a picture with me, anyway I’d like to say thank you for the amazing videos you have made this season! You have inspired me to be a ballhawk get ticket stubs signed etc. Thank you for everything this season -Luca

September 2, 2024

Hi Zack,
My name is Reese and I’ve been watching your videos for many years and I think they’re so good. As someone like me who plays softball, I just love watching baseball youtubers or just sports in general. Thank you for your time and congrats on catching a bunch of milestones. 



August 25, 2024

Hey Zack I already sent an email saying that I was going to a Mets game and you were actually there and I just wanna say thank you so much for being so nice and taking a picture. I think what you do is truly amazing and I hope someday I can catch as much balls as you do. I wish you the best of luck on catching more balls and hopefully I’ll see you again!

Sincerely Brooks

August 20, 2024

Hi Zack,

My name is a David and I’m from Toledo, Ohio. My nephew and I are diehard fans of the Toledo Mud Hens, the Detroit Tigers and especially huge fans of you. If you’d ever like to hit up a game together, we’d be honored.

Please keep being you. You’re truly an inspiration!

Thank you,


August 15, 2024


What up man? Hope you are doing well.

Just a quick update, your tips continue to help me out. I've added getting balls from the umps to my bag of tricks. In 6 games this year, I have a total of 25 balls. Not bad for an old man - lol.

Everywhere I go, people know you and say your tips have helped them to enjoy the game more. Thanks for everything.

Best -


August 12, 2024

I really have nothing else to say besides my love for your content. It just makes me wanna go out and watch some baseball. Really, I have been on the grind watching baseball lately, because of your work. I think you should keep your great channel up, and don’t listen to the haters (they have never snagged a foul ball). So keep it up, man


August 8, 2024

Hey Zack,
I recently saw you at yankee stadium, I don’t know if you remember me but I was the kid who asked for a picture (I was wearing a white savannah bananas jersey)and said “nice glove!” Anyway what I wanted to say is that you are awesome and I really enjoy watching your videos. It truly makes me fascinated by what you do. I was glad so see on your website that night (8-8-24) that you didn’t get shut out! 

August 5, 2024

Hey Zack,
I just started this 5.5 baseball brand and wanted to see if I could send you one of my “I’d rather be at the Ballpark” t-shirts? Let me know if so, I’d be super stoked. As an “older” baseball guy I really love what you do for the game and all the great things you do for the kids.
Thanks man!

July 26, 2024
Subject: Hello Zack

I really have nothing else to say besides my love for your content. It just makes me wanna go out and watch some baseball. Really, I have been on the grind watching baseball lately, because of your work. I think you should keep your great channel up, and don’t listen to the haters (they have never snagged a foul ball). So keep it up, man


July 26, 2024

Hi Zack I've been a fan of your channel for awhile now and the first video I watched was the one where you were at the Brewers game and that inspired me to go out and catch baseballs and to begin my interest in baseball itself. This year I've caught 4 baseballs. I think you're ahead of me by a good chunk lol. I was just wondering when you will return to "Miller Park".

Thanks for your time for reading this

Go Brewers


July 16, 2024

Hey Zack, I’ve been watching your videos for 5 years and you have gave me so much inspiration to be more confident at games and I am hoping that you are going to go back the Coors field this year and if so email me back because it would be a pleasure meeting you and maybe learn some new tips! Thanks again a keep up the awesome videos.

From, inspired Easton!!!

July 15, 2024

Hi Zack, Just saw your 100th Home-run ball video and I just wanted to let you know about some reds that have not gotten their first home run. Both are in the minor leagues currently. Jacob Hurtubise and Blake Dunn. Start checking reds transactions and try to get their first major league homerun. Once again congrats on your 100th! 

- Zack M

July 10, 2024

Coming to give you credit again. The skills you taught my son via video on stadium etiquette when speaking to players and asking for autographs is amazing. He was with his whole little league and I kept telling them that he learned all his politeness from you. Logan O’Hoppe, his baseball hero, did 1 and only 1 signature, and it was my son’s jersey. He even cried he was so happy. Thank you for helping to craft a polite young man that players and coaches enjoy interacting with and I am left a proud mama bear


July 8, 2024

Hi Zack

A note of thanks and congratulations.

It was truly a great joy to be there in person to see you in action. You certainly take your life's passion to a special level and to be there for one of your many great moments was indeed somewhat magical.

Congrats on number 100 and I hope you add to your total on this west coast swing. It was a pleasure to meet you and Rachel in person and thanks for being the cool guy that you are.

Yesterday at the ballpark was more fun than this 67 year old Dodger fan usually has, so thanks also for being a big part of that.

As always, wishing you all the best


July 2, 2024


Your package arrived! The boys were blown away by your generosity of signing their books!  Thank you so much for doing that!  Thank you for signing my ball too! Your signature is so crisp! I love that you take your time to make it nice and legible every time, even when you are signing hundreds on game nights (I assume hundreds).

Hope this message brings you luck at your next game at getting your 100th HR ball!!! We are rooting for you!

Matthew and the boys

June 22, 2024

My son watches your videos religiously, all he wanted to do this summer was get to a game and put your tips to the test. He laid it out for me.....We had to show up early.....we had to go one side of the field, then the other side of the field..... then down to the field.....then finally to our seat. He walked away with 4 balls...3 from BP and one from the first baseman after the last out of an inning. We are Bluejays fans and we're at the Guardians stadium. He loves what you do man. Keep up the good work and thanks for the videos. He truly loves watching them.


June 20, 2024

Hello Zack Hample I’m big fan of you I will be out in California for baseball games in august  San Francisco giants vs Oakland A’s & Tampa Bay Rays vs Oakland A’s & Chicago White Sox vs San Francisco giants & I want to meet you in California

June 15, 2024

Hi Zack ample I’m a big fan I love baseball and I just wanted to say hi


June 14, 2024

Hi Zack,

I am a big fan of your Oakland Athletics videos on YouTube, and I was wondering which Oakland Athletics games you are going to this year. I live in Colorado and I am going to the Dodgers at Athletics game on August 3rd. It will be my first and last ever Oakland game I ever go to. My and my family are big Oakland Athletics fans. I was hoping you could go to the same game I was going to. Hope I get to see you then!

Thank you, 

June 12, 2024

Good day

My son is a fan and watches ur videos all the time. He even knows how to get to yankee stadium without even living in New York.

We were wondering if u will be present at the Yankees vs braves game Friday June 21.

Thank you

June 11, 2024

Thank you for giving my son, Alex, a batting bractice HR today at Fenway!! Made his day and a great start to his trip to Cooperstown with his Bulldawgs team from Walnut Creek, CA! You’re awesome, Zack!!


June 9, 2024

Hey Zack my name is Hayden and I am a huge fan of you. If it is fine can you come to the Houston Astros vs Rockies game on June 26. That day is my birthday so if it’s fine with you can you come to the game that day. It would be cool if you can be there on my birthday. And you can help me catch some baseball’s. You have a good day


June 9, 2024

Hey i’m a huge fan, just want you to know i love what you do for the game and baseball community!!


June 8, 2024
Subject: Thank you!

Tickled to add your bobble to my collection. About 20% of mine are autographed and the majority are Rays (or Rays players with other teams, if one wasn’t available with the Rays).

Old photo below - 6x10 covered in plexiglass- I’ve since expanded 2 feet to the left and have several extra shadow boxes I’ve made that are for specialty collection items. (AAGPBL bobbles etc)

Hope to see you again and grab an auto on a baseball!

Thanks again!


June 5, 2024

Zack - I’ve been watching your videos for 4 years now and I finally ran into you tonight. You are exactly the same in your videos as in person. Thank you for being so authentic. And thanks for always taking the time to meet your fans!


June 4, 2024

I’m A Yankees fan I’m a huge Aaron Judge fan And I’m a big fan of you like your videos you do good man


June 2, 2024

Zack, I have read your book and watched a lot of your videos. I really enjoyed them. And they helped me catch a few balls! I got a toss up between innings from Stuart Fairchild, and I also got a toss up during BP from Elly De La Cruz! Thank you for making great videos and I hope to see you at Great American Ball Park this year!


June 1, 2024

Dear Mr.Hample
I am a fan from South Korea and I love to watch your videos.
I have subscribed to your channel for a very long time and enjoy watching all your videos whenever they come out. 
As a fan I will try and watch every video that you post whenever I can. You are one of the most funniest YouTubers I have seen. I hope to see more videos from you and I wish to see you in person once in my lifetime. I would love to be in one of your videos and will keep tuning in to your videos. I hope your content stays the same because it is so fun to watch.
One of your long time subscribers,

May 29, 2024

Hi Zack

Did you just catch the Mets home run against the Dodgers?

It looks like it landed in your lap

Big loves
Jim (Aberdeen, Scotland)

May 25, 2024

Hey Zack, my name is Daniel I am 12 and I have a quick question for you. I live near Charlotte, Nc are baseball team is the Charlotte knights (triple a white Soxs) If you ever came to a game let me know I will be there!! If you wanted  to see Jackson Holiday in triple a. Anyway I have loved your videos lately. Keep up the fantastic work.

Sincerely Daniel

May 23, 2024

Zack I have been following you for years and love all your content and what you stand for. I don’t get to get out to MLB games due to my work and having to always be home due to mental health but I have always wanted an autographed ball from you to put on my collection. What can I do to get this as it would be an honor to have one from you. Thanks for all you do for the sport and the fans.


May 21, 2024

ZACK! I Saw You on Live TV! Catch Dylan Moores! HR! I’m from Seattle & live here currently, that was awesome!!! Great Catch, I said to myself no way that was ZH. Replay Proved it, I saw the UMP hat & knew it! Perhaps I actually went to bed last night watching your Videos!!!!!!!


May 21, 2024

Hey Zack! Im a huge fan of yours i’m 12 years old and in August for my birthday 2 months before we are going to the Atlanta vs Miami game on July 31st August 1, 2 I was wondering if you wanted to go and help me catch some baseballs. Its my first MLB game ever and it would be cool to get my first Major league ball. 



May 20, 2024

Hey Zack, 
I understand you might not answer this but might as well shoot my shoot. I’m just wondering if you’re coming to Houston this season? If you do please tell me as I’m a huge fan and would like to meet you.
Thanks and God bless,

May 19, 2024

Hello Mr. Hample,

I just wanted to say that I am a huge fan of yours and, I'm pretty sure, I've seen all your videos.

You are living my dream and I would give anything to do what you're doing.

But I do have a couple of questions to ask you, if you don't mind.

1. How do you get in to the baseball type business? I have loved baseball my whole life and want to do what you do.

2. Are you hiring? I'd love to work for you.

Thank you sir,

May 15, 2024

Would love to have a signed baseball from you to add to my humble collection. Is that a possibility? Don’t trust the ones I see on Ebay. Always on the lookout for you at Citi-Field but no luck whatsoever. Thanks for your time and videos.


May 13, 2024

Hey zack! I’m a huge fan and I was wondering when you will be at Fenway. I’d love to meet up and get a picture if possible. Thanks!


May 11, 2024

Was a honor to meet you at the Yankees vs astros game! Hoping to meet you again Zack. I manifested meeting you for awhile and boom I went to a game with my close friends and I told one of them “Zack’s here somewhere I know it” out of no where you spawned right behind me lol. Just wanted to say big fan man been watching you my whole childhood and finally meeting you made my whole life dream come true.


May 2, 2024

Dear Zack,

I love your videos! They are so awesome and are what made me start going to games early, watch bp, and try to catch baseballs! I was so glad to finally meet you at game 2 of the ALDS in Baltimore. I was wondering if you knew what stadiums still offer paper tickets in this age of digital ticketing, I would love to use them for autographs like you do.


May 2, 2024

I wanted to take the time to say thank you for your videos. They have gotten my 10 year old Colton into baseball and he is now playing for the first time. We are wondering if you ever sell any of the rougher balls you get. I know many are special to you, but we are finding it hard to find lots of balls to find to practice with for a decent price. If you ever do consider selling a few dozen, please let us know! Thanks and keep up the great videos!


April 30, 2024

Hey Zack my names Dylan , big fan of yours I’ve been watching you for years and years and love watching the new videos everytime they pop up . I love to collect baseballs as well , I try my best but haven’t had much luck in the Majors but , I have over 100 plus NCAA PAC 12 logo baseballs from Washington Huskies and the PAC 12 leaves after this year forever so these balls will be special for me . Any tips for storing large amounts of baseballs ? Where to store them ? What with ? Will I damage them just leave them out forever ? Figure I would ask the ball god himself . Anyways would mean a lot if you could get back to me . It’s my 21st birthday tommorow May 1st . So I was also wondering if I somehow could ship you a college ball and you could sign it for me your something , figured that would be a great birthday for me considering I’ve had 0 luck getting autographs from mlb players . Especially my hometown players Seattle . For some reason I really struggle to get balls they all go to the kids Wich is awesome but always want to get one . Anyways your a big inspiration to me Thank you so much for doing these videos. Screw the Haters ! Hope your having a blessed day-night whenever you read this . And I look forward to hopefully hearing from you . Thanks -Dylan

April 30, 2024

Hi Zack! Me and my 10yo love your youtube channel! Yesterday Joe Singley (Reds) tossed my son 2 baseballs after a Padres game! My son took a page out of your book and gave one to another little boy who was waiting too! Just wanna say Thank you for showing sportsmanlike conduct each time you give fans balls that you catch! Although he would have loved to keep both balls he selflessly tossed it and made another little boy’s night! Thanks again Zack!


April 26, 2024

Hey Zack! Love your videos!!! I really appreciate you because me and my dad watch you together.


April 23, 2024

Hi Zack

I just wanted to get in touch really probably for selfish reasons. Not to stroke my ego but to let you know (as I'm sure you already do) you have fans in New Zealand.

Been watching you for years mate and absolutely love your channel. To me you're one of the most, if not, the most top morally integral youtubers  Your longevity, knowledge and skillset is brilliant. Not to mention you just come across as a decent human being. Love seeing how you do your thing with so many fans and you're always open, honest and kind.

Not emailing to blow smoke up your ass lol

I really just wanted to ask, this is where I get selfish. I would loooove to get an MLB baseball signed from you. I would treasure it bro.

I can't see the MLB coming to NZ anytime soon lol but we have a local thriving softball leagues where I am in Whangarei North Island. I would love to have a piece of memorabilia from you to cherish forever. Something you do so nonchalantly would mean the world to me and the guys and girls at my club.

I am more than happy to pay for it mate and the postage but really it's knowing you know were here and I for one will always be supporting you mate whatever happens

Top man

Kia Ora


April 23, 2024

Hey zack I rellay like your YouTube videos your very good at making videos and catching baseballs


April 22, 2024


I just wanted to thank you so much for all the time you spent with Dylan today. I know he is on the quiet side, but he has been beaming all day. You really made him feel special and I appreciate your kindness. Anytime you are going to be at Yankee Stadium, please feel free to shoot me an email. If it turns out that we are ever at the same game, I'd have Dylan say hello. Thank you again!

Take care,

April 22, 2024

Thank you so much for talking and interacting with my son and the rest of his team Sat evening at the K. they talked about that all night! It was cool to meet you!


April 21, 2024

Hey Zack,

Sorry for the long message hope it’s worth the read if you read it. Just a story.. Sorry for the book.. i just wanted to share this with you, I know you meet a lot of people and you may not remember me specifically and that’s okay, but we met yesterday and today during the KC vs Orioles series Royals fan with the cool Oakley shades Singer jersey and buddies with the padres jersey guy. I’m not expecting a reply or anything like that just wanted to share this with you for a thank you story. If this is too much I’m so sorry. That’s why I sent an email because I didn’t want to over do a DM.

Long story short, I played baseball.. baseball nerd… knew every batting stance…all the stats... LOVED the game, went to several MLB games growing up, won highschool championship at the one of the most prestigious baseball high schools in the country located in Oklahoma(Owasso). I wasn’t the best but had fun, Played 4 years of small ball college, won championships there, then i wanted to pass my passion down to kids, so I started coaching high level youth baseball and did that for two years whole nine yards. I completed my baseball journey per say. By passing on my passion for the game to let it continue to grow in our Tulsa area so the sport can continue to grow. Recently Zack I’ve been going through a personal rough patch for just normal everyday life reasons we all have and I gave up on baseball in order to focus on my priorities at the time and I didn’t watch any baseball at all last year man and it was really hard for me to get back into it because I’ve had such a passion before and it literally had meant so much to me I’ve been having a hard time sparking that LOVE for the game again also I’ve deleted all my social media just so I could maybe embrace the real world around me more and let it open my eyes so maybe I could grasp the love for baseball again naturally.

So fast forward to this weekend I’m committed, “man I’m going to go to this series and love it and that’s how I’ll fall back into it.”

So I purchase those tickets for my buddies and I was super curious about the view from the QT deck so I searched for a little bit and I came across your KC videos from the past on YouTube very recently.

I must’ve watched 7-8 of your videos for 4 days straight last week back to back and your passion for what you do and your drive just genuinely made me feel good man. Hard to explain, it made me want to come to the ball park and have that kind of fun again and dive back into the stats and just seeing your team’s shots of the field also made me excited just seeing that environment again. It was wild to get to meet you right as we sat down at those seats.. as I turned to check it all out, there you were doing your thing and I just needed to say hello and let you know in person that I enjoyed your content. But I wanted to send this email to you that maybe if you read this and you get a feeling of “Am I’m making a good difference?”

You sure did recently for me with your content that you’ve published and then tossing me that ball and i just held it in my hand it really was a surreal moment as if it was apart of the plan for all this to happen for me to love the game again, Honestly man I’m not usually on YouTube often nor do I really reach out like this to somebody of influence but I subscribed to your page last week because it made me genuinely happy and love the game again and because I figured it helps you out somehow in someway if I subscribe.

My buddy that I was with, i didn’t know that he knew who you were until after you tossed me that ball… so we talked about stuff of yours we’ve seen and we stayed up watching your videos and just looking at different parks getting back into the game vicariously through your videos. He is a veteran who served many years after highschool and when he was over seas his connection back home was MLB app and your videos on YouTube. He’s wanting to join the army again and it breaks my heart because he will leave again and he’s my cousin, so i got these tickets for this series as a cool trip for us to enjoy the one last time before we can’t.

A ball was hit today during Royal BP and you tried to catch it and my goal for the day was to get him a ball so he could you know really feel happy like I did. He essentially “robbed” you because you had it if his glove wasn’t there and that was the very first time he ever caught a ball like that at a game. You being the TOM BRA- Pat Mahomes of baseball catching at MLB games,  it was awesome for him to just barely beat you to it and that made everything come full circle for me man to see us happy and enjoying the game again and it was established by your efforts and your content that you publish. Him and I will now forever have a baseball story to tell and I’ll get my other friends back home on your pages as well and spread the word about who you are and what you do. Now I have that passion back and part of it is because of you.

Baseball Gods have a funny way of making things work out for the greater good.

Just wanted to say thanks again man. From one baseball guy to another.

Catch them all Zack, go baseball!

-Cody W. 

April 19, 2024

Dear Mr. Hample:

I have been following your YouTube channel and its content since 2018; I have grown into a big fan of yours. The 2024 MLB Season just started this past month; I am eager to see what else you have to share with us throughout this year! This leads me into a question I have been meaning to ask for a couple of weeks now…

What is your schedule for the stadium visits this season? I have been meaning to cross paths with you for a while now; unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to do so—due to time constraints, work, etc. The closest stadium to me is Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia, PA, but I can also travel to somewhere like Baltimore, MD; Washington, DC; or New York, NY (if I have the time and the money).

I do not think I would be able to pay to watch a game with you, sadly, but even if I would just run into you at one of the ballparks, I would be more than happy to do so! I have actually never shown up at a ballpark hours before a game to watch batting practice; however, if it means I could meet you, I think it would become a core memory for me. If you could please provide me with your schedule for the year—or just the dates you plan to visit Citizens Bank Park, Oriole Park at Camden Yards, Nationals Stadium, Yankee Stadium, and/or Citi Field—please, I will see if I can make it out to a game and meet you there.

Thank you for reading my email, Zack. I look forward to your reply, and I look forward to the possibility of seeing you this MLB Season. Keep creating the fun videos & posts you create!


April 15, 2024

Hey Zack!! It’s Donny. Wanted to say thanks for being so cool. It was really a great experience to meet you and catch some baseballs. Was glad to be able to help you out. Good luck on the road to 100 HR. Rooting for you!!

April 15, 2024

Hey Zack, just wanted to say that I’m a big fan of yours! I enjoy all the videos that you upload and I hope you’re doing well!


April 12, 2024

hi love to watch your youtube videos i am 9 year old from: will to: you

April 12, 2024

Hey Zack,
Thank you for helping me get through my days with you're videos! I watch them and they bring instant joy to my day, I'm a huge baseball fan and just the scenery you get of the game and the catches you make are astounding! You're honestly such a great guy and all the hate you get is nonsense. People say your greedy and you steal baseballs from kids but if they actually took the time to watch you're videos they'd know that majority of the time you do give the ball you caught to a kid in the crowd. Of course you're gonna keep the important ones because u worked hard to get those and I respect that! Keep being an amazing person and I hope you reach all you're goals! God bless you're soul Zack!

April 11, 2024

Hey Zack

Ive been watching you for a Couple of years now and I gotta say, i really do like your content. probably my favorite moment from you is when you caught 2 postseason home runs in fenway. Overall when I go to The white Sox's game, I will try to see if I can get my first baseball.S o don't Let the haters get to you and Keep doing what you do.

Much Love,

April 11, 2024

Hey Zack my name is Jacob and I just want to tell you that my 12 year old son Brayden is crazy about getting baseball he has over 150 baseball from The University of Oklahoma Baseball field from foul balls he has chase down or from toss up just want to say thank you for what you do and thank you for inspiring my son to chase baseball for a hobby you the man Zack

April 5, 2024

Hey Zack!!!!

I heard you were at the Pirates game today and I’m going Monday and I was wondering if you will be there again Monday. It’s my dream to meet you, you’re my inspiration to what I do. I love ballhawking it is my most favorite thing to do. I hope you’ll be there my man!

Thanks so much,


April 5, 2024

Hey Zack,

Im huge baseball and Yankees fan here from Scotland. I recently came across your channel and I’m loving the content. That video where Trout remembered you and gave you that bat… wow! You really have had some incredible interactions with players and fans.

I love how you always try to include the younger fans too… huge respect for that

Your collection of baseballs must be unrivalled!

I’m a bit of a collector myself but baseball cards and I’ve started trying to get some game used merch. Massive Gleyber Torres fan. I don’t get over to many games as it’s so expensive but my first game was in 2018 and Gleyber hit a HR so he quickly became my guy.


April 4, 2024

Hello Zack,

I am 12 years old and live in Boston. I wanted to let you know how much kids like me look up to you as an idol. You have inspired thousands of kids like me to play baseball and go to games.

I have a career total of 7 balls and one autographed one from Alex Cora. I have many more signed cards though. I really like your videos and have always wanted to bump into you at Fenway sometime. Keep up the great content!


April 3, 2024

Hey man, just wanted to say it was awesome to briefly meet you at Nationals Park tonight, I've been a big fan of your channel and your charity work, you're the man!


April 1, 2024

Hey Zack, how's it going? Hope everything is well. My brother in Illinois got us tickets to opening day at Busch Stadium in St. Louis this year. We are excited. Hope to see many videos from you on YouTube in 2024. They are very enjoyable to watch. Take care.


March 29, 2024

I didn’t really like baseball until I stumbled across your content! You make watching baseball a grand old time.

Now I have a reason to bond with my dad. We weren’t really close but we’ve recently been watching all your new videos together.

So excited for all the content coming up this season! Cheers!

DI- California

March 29, 2024

Hi Zack! Wishing you a good start into the new season! My son and I are big fans of yours visiting from Germany and we´re going to be in Tampa (vs D´Backs) August 18th. Do you know if you´re going to be there? Would be awesome to see you there. All the best and keep ´em coming. Greetings from good old Germany.


March 26, 2024

When are you coming to Atlanta? I would really like to see you


March 26, 2024

Hey Zack! It was awesome watching your video from Seoul Series. I wanted to reach out to see if you are going to any of the Orioles home opener games vs the Angles? I know you are a huge Mike Trout fan and I know my boys are huge Zack Hample fans! We are going to the Saturday game and if you were attending I know my son would love to get a pic with you. Hope to hear back and can't wait to see your videos for the upcoming season! Thanks Chad!!!

March 25, 2024

Hey Zack. My name is Brandon. Im a big fan and have been for a long time. Love the strong passion you have for baseball and memorbillia, its fueled my passion and it began a hobby i never knew id enjoy. Thank you for that. Do you have any advice for someone want home run balls but doesnt have great mobility? Ive has 2 back surgeries and two knew surgeries. I do alot of autographing by the baseline, (i dont need to walk much at all to do that), but id love to get a homerun ball. Should me and my wife park out there maybe i can train her? Lol god bless Zack! Have a great day friend!!


March 22, 2024

Hi Zack, I’m the kid you met at the DMZ this morning in the boston college hoodie. I’m from Singapore and I’ve been a huge fan of your channel since I was like 7 years old.


March 21, 2024

hello Zack
yesterday I took a picture with u waiting a hotdog
when I saw u, I got embarrassed and couldn't speak well
I regret that but I'm very happy to meet u because I've been watching you through YouTube channel since I am 13
thank you for making so special and glad memory, the unforgotten one
I hope we meet in major league stadium by chance someday and you have a nice experience in Korea
thank you zack!!

March 21, 2024

Hey Zack! My brother told me he met you at the Seoul series and you caught the 3rd out ball from Mookie!! Congrats! I am also a huge fan of yours and he is too! He showed me a picture with you and a baseball signed saying “Hello, South Korea!” by you. We also met at Yankee stadium and took a picture with me if you could remember!! You met me at Yankee stadium and met my brother at Seoul. That is so cool. I hope you enjoy S.Korea!!!


March 17, 2024

yo zack what’s up. i’m a 14 year old from the upper west side i’m nyc. i just wanted to say thank you for inspiring me and my brothers to catch balls at baseball games. it brings us so much joy when we catch the balls and we wouldn’t have even started ballhawking with out your videos. last year my two brothers and I got 55 balls combined in 4 games during spring training. this year, I got two home run balls at the spring breakout game (my first ever). just wanted to say thank you for inspiring us


March 15, 2024

Hi Zack,

I am going to be at PNC Park sometime in May and I was hoping that you could come sometime in May once I have an official date.


March 7, 2024

Hey Zack,

I hope you’re doing well!!

I just wanted to let you know that I witnessed Andrew McCutchen’s 2,000 hit with my great great aunt which was probably the highlight of my year in 2023. As I witnessed this I thought too bad you weren’t there to possibly snag the milestone!

As a matter of fact I just watched your video of you jumping into the Allegheny River which I thought was a pretty slick move.

I was wondering on as to when you are planning to come to PNC Park as I would love to meet you and see you do you AWESOME HOBBY!!

I have continued to enjoy watching your videos and I wish you the best on this upcoming season collecting baseballs.

Take care my man,

March 7, 2024


Watched your scenes in “The Booksellers”-- great job! I noticed this print in the background of the Argosy Autograph department and I am very interested in the history and provenance of this piece, including what it is.

I have circled the print in the two screenshots below-- I believe it is the United States Supreme Court. If you still work with Argosy, we are in NYC in a couple weeks and would love to visit.

Thanks for your time! I am a huge baseball fan so I will be living vicariously through you with all the live baseball you get to see. (Go Mariners!)

Images below.

All the Best.


March 6, 2024

Hi Zack, I've been watching your videos for a while now and I really enjoy watching them. You are a great youtuber, keep up the good work! I am from the Uk and visiting Chicago towards the end of March, my third time visiting the states and whilst I'm there I'm going to be seeing the white sox against the tigers, it's my second baseball game as well. I just wanted to ask since i saw a video of you using the cup trick device at the white sox stadium, do the white sox allow ball retrieval devices like that?

Thanks and keep up the good work


March 5, 2024

Hey Zack,

I wanted to write you for 2 reasons:

1. I absolutely love your videos. You present your videos in a manner that makes them very entertaining to watch, and you sprinkle a lot of trivial tidbits during your videos that make them even more great to watch.

2. I just watched your video on getting your 9,000th ball signed by Joc Pederson. (congrats on being able to get that signature). In that video, you mentioned that you needed Fransisco Liriano's autograph on your 11,000th ball. I thought I'd point out to you, in case you didn't already know, that (at least according to his Wikipedia page) Fransisco Liriano is the first cousin of retired pitcher Santiago Cassila. So it stands to reason that if you were to meet Cassila, that you could possibly ask about getting the ball autographed by Liriano because they're family members. This gives you one more lead that you can possibly pursue.

Thanks for being an awesome content creator.

Bob M.

February 21, 2024

Good afternoon Zack, My name is Jonah I am currently active duty Air Force Stationed in Minot North Dakota. l Have Been watching you videos for as long as I can remember and I honestly love all of your content! I am planning on attending multiple Ball games this summer at Target field or Back Home at Progressive Field watching my Beloved Tribe (Guardians) I would love to try to catch a game somewhere where you will be in attendance just to honestly say hello and to share a core memory talking with you about our love for the game! Thank you for all you do man! Best of luck this upcoming season Play Ball!


February 20, 2024

Hey man, I’m a part of the dead balls fantasy baseball league that you did a Cameo for to determine the draft order. Just wanted to thank you for putting some great effort into it, the video turned out great and all the guys were hyped for it. Appreciate you


February 18, 2024

Hey met you a few times in Baltimore years ago. You were dating a lovely girl and were shopping at Whole Foods I think she told me she was vegan. Anyway you took a few minutes to talk to me and my son how to get balls and autographs. It works at NBA and NFL games too! Such a great experience and I hope you are doing well! Thanks again


February 15, 2024

When do you plan on going to the mn twins baseball field and how do we connect with you when here?

Thank you

Todd and Ben (age 13)

February 14, 2024

Im 60 years old love your videos  I hope to meet some day. And I have parkinsons


February 8, 2024

Hey zack can you send me a schedule of what baseball games you are going to in 2024 and what the dates  are? I would like to get together with you and go to a little league or a game with you this year. Thank you . I’m a big fan


February 6, 2024

Hey Zack it’s Corey big fan not sure if you remember me but we have talked plenty of times you were nice enough to return my emails and messages … anyways u heading to any spring training this year ? I will be in pt st Lucy almost every day for the Mets spring training and  sometimes  in Clearwater for Yankees… would love to see you in person as I have never done before and also I’m sure you know but spring training practices are great! Great way to catch balls and talk up close with players and coaches… hope to see you down there!

January 31, 2024

Hey Zack,

My name is AJ Rodriguez, I am 9 years old & I play travel ball. I play shortstop. I love baseball, my team won the World Series last summer in Georgia. I am a huge fan of yours. I watch your channel all the time. I am fascinated that you know just where to be to get the foul balls & homeruns. I hit my 1st out of the park home run last season out to left center.

The coolest thing happened, my mom works at a doctors office & scanned a friend of yours - Andrew Bingham. She was talking to him about me & baseball & he said I know Zack. We got to talking about your channel he couldn't say enough good things about you. He was so nice he even brought me back your book you wrote, a signed Don Mattingly ball & a spring training ball he got with you.

I would love to meet you 1 day if you ever come to Florida or close by let me know. My dad & I are trying to make it to every baseball stadium by the time I graduate - we have been to 6 so far.

Keep getting those balls,
AJ & Angel - AJ's mom

January 16, 2024

Dear Mr. Hample,

Hey there! I'm Sam, and I'm just 12 years old. I had to write to you because, seriously, your baseball videos are, like, the coolest thing ever! I don't know how you manage to catch so many baseballs, but it's like magic.

I watch your videos all the time, and I just wanted to say a massive thank you. You've totally inspired me to love baseball even more. The way you get excited about every game is just contagious. It's like you're having the best time ever, and it makes me wanna go out and play ball with my friends.

I'm super thankful for the joy your videos bring. Your passion for baseball has made a big impact on me. I wish I could be as good as you at catching baseballs. Do you have, like, a secret or something? Maybe you could give me some tips someday? That would be so epic! I dream about making those awesome catches just like you do.

Also, I am so, so excited for the 2024 MLB season! Can't wait to watch all the games and see the amazing videos you'll post during the season. Thank you so much for being super cool and making me love the game even more.

Biggest thank you,

January 7, 2024

Hey Zack, my name is Daniel and for my birthday I got a cameo for you. That was the best birthday present I've ever had!  I can't stop watching it. I just want to thank you for putting in the time and effort for me. I hope You are having a fantastic start to 2024.